

Hva er en cookie

En cookie (informasjonskapsel) er en liten kode som lagres som en tekstfil som det nettstedet du besøker ber om å få spare på din datamaskin (obs: med datamaskin menes også nettbrett og smarttelefon om ikke annet fremkommer), og som gjør det mulig å identifisere deg som besøker på et nettsted. Den informasjonen som finnes i cookien kan brukes til å følge surfingen din på nettsteder som bruker samme type cookies, og gjennom dette kan for eksempel tilbud som vises bli tilpasset for deg.

Det finnes to typer cookies. Den ene typen er mer langvarig og lagrer en tekstfil i lengre tid på harddisken din. Denne typen cookies har en bestemt utløpstid, og brukes for eksempel ved funksjoner som forteller hva som er nytt siden du besøkte det aktuelle nettstedet sist. Når den innebygde utløpsdatoen passeres, slettes cookien automatisk neste gang du besøker nettstedet som opprettet den. Den andre typen cookies kalles sessionscookies, og de lagres midlertidig mens du besøker et nettsted. Denne typen cookies brukes for eksempel for å holde rede på hvilket språk du har valgt. Sessionscookies slettes så snart du lukker nettleservinduet.

Hvilke typer cookies benytter vi oss av og til hvilken hensikt?

Vi benytter oss av både mer varige cookies og kortvarige cookies. Den primære hensikten med vår bruk av cookies er å muliggjøre handel i vår nettbutikk, og legge til rette for analyser av trafikken i vår nettbutikk samt forbedre vår kundeservice.

Vi sparer også informasjon gjennom våre cookies om blant annet hvilke sider i vår nettbutikk du har besøkt. Dette gjør vi for å kunne tilpasse våre tilbud og annonser i vår nettbutikk etter hva du er interessert i. Vi benytter oss av Google Analytics som er et webbasert analyseverktøy som leveres av Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA ("Google"). Google bruker aktuell informasjon for å evaluere besøkendes bruk av en nettside, for sammenstilling av rapporter om nettbrukere og for tjenester i tilknytning til nettaktiviteter og internettbruk. Videre kan Google tilpasse den annonseringen som vises ut i fra informasjon om din tidligere surfing. Informasjonen som spares i de cookies som Googles verktøy bruker (som IP-adresser) videresendes til, og lagres på, Googles servere som er plassert rundt i verden. Ved å gjøre dette, kan informasjonen forvaltes på en server som ligger i et annet land enn der du bor. Google kan også komme til å overføre informasjonen til en tredjepart i de tilfeller det er pålagt ved lov eller dersom tredjepart behandler informasjonen på oppdrag fra Google. Google kobler ikke sammen din IP-adresse med noen annen informasjon som Google har lagret.

Ditt samtykke til vår bruk av cookies

Ved at du har satt datamaskinen din til å tillate cookies, samtykker du til vår og Googles bruk av cookies på vår hjemmeside og i vår nettbutikk som beskrevet i denne informasjonen. Dersom du samtykker til vår bruk av cookies, får du tilgang til alle funksjonene på vår hjemmeside og nettbutikk som krever bruk av cookies. Du har muligheten til å avstå fra å gi samtykke, og også trekke tilbake ditt samtykke, som du gjør ved å endre innstillingene på datamaskinen din, slik at den ikke lenger tillater bruk av cookies. Du kan også stille inn nettleseren på datamaskinen slik at en advarsel blir gitt hver gang et nettsted prøver å sette en cookie på din maskin. Gjennom innstillingene i nettleseren din kan du også slette cookies. Dersom du bruker en datamaskin kan innstillingene for cookies normalt endres gjennom innstillingene i din nettleser. Bruker du et nettbrett kan dette normalt gjøres ved å endre innstillingene i operativsystemet. Bruker du en smarttelefon kan dette normalt gjøres ved å endre innstillingene for smarttelefonens nettleser.

Hva skjer dersom du ikke samtykker til vår bruk av cookies?

I tilfelle du ikke samtykker til vår bruk av cookies kommer ikke funksjonene på vår hjemmeside og nettbutikk til å fungere fullt ut. Du vil for eksempel ikke til å være i stand til å logge deg inn i vår nettbutikk, og våre tilbud og annonser kan bli vist oftere enn ellers. Videre kommer du ikke til å kunne handle i vår nettbutikk fordi vi bruker cookies for å kunne håndtere innholdet i din handlekurv. Du kommer dog fortsatt til å ha mulighet til å se deg rundt i vår nettbutikk. Dersom nettleseren eller brannmuren på din datamaskin er satt opp til å avvise bruken av cookies, kan du i stedet kontakte oss per telefon eller legge inn en bestilling via brev eller e-post.

Cookies we use on the site

Cookie source Cookie Description
Bazaarvoice BVBRANDID These cookies improve your product review experience by remembering your details so you don't have to write them again for you next review.
Adobe Analytics gpv_pn These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics s_visit These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics s_tbm These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics s_ev66 These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics s_sq These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics s_cc These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics extgvo These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics s_tbm These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_adobe_mcid These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_lt_pages_viewed These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_session_count These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_businessgroup These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_traffic_source These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_loggedin These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_currency These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_landing_page These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_tp_criteoaccount These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_is_production_site These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_tp_awinaccount These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_customernumber These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_analyticsaccount These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_pages_viewed These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Analytics _sdsat_tp_hashedemail These cookies help us keep of track of how many visitors the site has and tells us what kind of content they are interested in, without identifying you directly.
Adobe Experience Cloud AMCV_ These cookies help us coordinate your experience between our Adobe-based solutions.
Adobe Target mbox Helps us deliver an optimal shopping experience by showing you the products we think are most relevant for you.
Bazaarvoice BVBRANDSID These cookies improve your product review experience by remembering your details so you don't have to write them again for you next review.
Bazaarvoice BVImplmain_site These cookies improve your product review experience by remembering your details so you don't have to write them again for you next review.
Criteo.com uid These cookies help us deliver ads that are relevant to you on the web.
Criteo.com eid These cookies help us deliver ads that are relevant to you on the web.
Criteo.com uid These cookies help us deliver ads that are relevant to you on the web.
Criteo.com eid These cookies help us deliver ads that are relevant to you on the web.
Criteo.com criteo_write_test These cookies help us deliver ads that are relevant to you on the web.
Demdex.net (Adobe) dpm These cookies help us analyse the behaviours of groups of people on the site so we can deliver the best possible experience.
Demdex.net (Adobe) IDE These cookies help us analyse the behaviours of groups of people on the site so we can deliver the best possible experience.
Demdex.net (Adobe) demdex These cookies help us analyse the behaviours of groups of people on the site so we can deliver the best possible experience.
Doubleclick.net IDE These cookies help us to show you the ads that we think you would me most interested in. They track the content you view on the site and how you interact with the ads.
Dynatrace dtCookie Helps us monitor and optimize the performance of our software and hardware.
Jotex CookieAlertDisplayed These cookies help speed up and simplify your user experience on our site by saving same of the choices you make.
Everesttech.net (Adobe) everest_g_v2 These cookies help us deliver a user experience better suited to you.
Everesttech.net (Adobe) everest_session_v2 These cookies help us deliver a user experience better suited to you.
Everesttech.net (Adobe) ev_sync_dd These cookies help us deliver a user experience better suited to you.
Facebook.com fr Hjälper oss leverera relevanta annonser för dig på Facebook.
Facebook.com _fbp Helps us deliver ads personalised to you on Facebook.
Google Analytics _ga These cookies help us keep track of the amount of visitors to our site and the kind of content they are interested in.
Google Analytics _gat_UA-21720998-7 These cookies help us keep track of the amount of visitors to our site and the kind of content they are interested in.
Google Analytics _gid These cookies help us keep track of the amount of visitors to our site and the kind of content they are interested in.
Google Analytics _gat_UA-16531570-15 These cookies help us keep track of the amount of visitors to our site and the kind of content they are interested in.
Google Doubleclick cto_lwid These cookies help us to show you the ads that we think you would me most interested in. They track the content you view on the site and how you interact with the ads.
Google NID These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google DV These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google CONSENT These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google NID These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google 1P_JAR These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google ANID These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google _gcl_au These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google AID These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google APISID These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google DSID These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google SAPISID These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google SID These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google SIDCC These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google SSID These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Google HSID These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.
Humany Humany__clientId Helps us deliver a customized online customer service.
Jotex sid These cookies help speed up and simplify your user experience on our site by saving same of the choices you make.
Jotex pgid- These cookies help speed up and simplify your user experience on our site by saving same of the choices you make.
Jotex SecureSessionID- These cookies help speed up and simplify your user experience on our site by saving same of the choices you make.
Jotex EllosRememberMeCookie These cookies help speed up and simplify your user experience on our site by saving same of the choices you make.
Jotex UserPayment These cookies help speed up and simplify your user experience on our site by saving same of the choices you make.
Jotex userId These cookies help speed up and simplify your user experience on our site by saving same of the choices you make.
Jotex PREFERREDAREA These cookies help speed up and simplify your user experience on our site by saving same of the choices you make.
Jotex cc-GzYKPAsvYw4AAAFUfkXbDg81 These cookies help speed up and simplify your user experience on our site by saving same of the choices you make.
Jotex check These cookies help speed up and simplify your user experience on our site by saving same of the choices you make.
Tealeaf TLTSID Helps us track and identify user struggles in the site experience by monitoring activity.
VWO A/B testing solution _vwo_uuid_v2 Helps us perform A/B tests on our site so that we can provide the best possible experience to you.
Adobe Experience Cloud AMCV_ These cookies help us coordinate your experience between our Adobe-based solutions.
Adobe Experience Cloud AMCVS_ These cookies help us coordinate your experience between our Adobe-based solutions.
Flowbox _flowbox These cookies help us display marketing relevant to you.